Onboard to take part in the

FareShare Midlands Trial

All organisations using the Help Close By app need to be compliant for non-profit, GDPR and safeguarding. To take part in the FareShare Midlands trial and potential further use, you will need to fill in your details and then we will send an onboarding agreement which you can eSign. We will then be in contact in combination with FareShare Midlands for further details.

Apply for organisation

* indicates required
Please confirm you are a non profit organisation
Which of the below applies?
Select organisation type
Select policies your organisation holds
If you offer a physical supply which applies?
/ /( dd / mm / yyyy )

Apply for organisation

* indicates required
Please confirm you are a non profit organisation
Which of the below applies?
Select organisation type
Select policies your organisation holds
If you offer a physic supply which applies?
/ /( dd / mm / yyyy )

Supported by grants from

Supported by corporate non-profit programmes from

Help Close By is a charity registered in England and Wales.

Registered Charity Number 1190642

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